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Tissue Box Cover, Calla Lily (White)

Sale price$44.00

The Calla Lily symbolizes beauty, life, new beginnings. A beautiful embroidered design on a tissue box cover will elevate any room of your house. Order it for the bathroom, kitchen, living room or bedroom. It is a beautiful design that also represent triumph in part because they are shaped like trumpets.

Size:               W-4 ½”,  D-4 ½”,  H-5 ¼” 
                       (Fits the standard Puffs & Kleenex cubes)
Fabric:           White Linen / Cotton
Embroidery:  Calla Lily
Washing:       Machine washable cold

Tissue Box Cover, Calla Lily (White)
Tissue Box Cover, Calla Lily (White) Sale price$44.00

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